Monday, 27 May 2013

Android App : Automtion Testing Tools - Part I


As the mobile platform continues to pervade all aspects of human activities,
and mobile apps on such platform tend to be faulty just like other types of software,
There is a growing need for automated testing techniques for mobile applications.

 Why Do Automate - 
  • Reduce ongoing costs of regression testing across multiple devices.
  • Create Automation which is reusable across multiple handsets with minimal changes to scripts to cater existing as well as future handsets.
  • To minimize challenges in manual testing, load testing, crashes
Limitation of Manual Testing -
  • Diversity of devises
  • OS versions
  • Different h/w configuration
  • Different screen sizes

Different Automation Tools

  1. Monkey
  2. Monkey Runner
  3. Robotium
  4. Selenium Webdriver
Monkey -
  • The Monkey is a command-line tool that that you can run on any emulator instance or on a device.
  • We can send random user events which acts as a stress test on the application
  • Help to determine crashes or any sort of unhandled exception
  • When the Monkey runs, it generates events and sends them to the system
Monkey Runner -
  • Multiple device control
  • Functional testing: can run an automated start-to-finish test of an Android application. You provide input values with keystrokes or touch events, and view the results as screenshots.
  • It is like record and playback tool, will record user actions / input, we can execute those on emulator / devices
Robotium -
  • Open-source test framework
  • Need to write solid test case
  • The framework handles multiple Android activities automatically
  • Must have basic knowledge of Android programming.
  • Support testing on real devices
  • System and acceptance test
Android Webdriver -
  • Tests can only be written in Java
  • Android WebDriver models many user interactions such as finger taps, flicks, finger scrolls and long presses

Friday, 10 May 2013

Introduction To Quick Test Professional

Now along with selenium we will have post regarding different automation tools.
Quick Test Professional is one of the automation tool.

Quick Test Professional , popularly know by its acronym QTP is the functional automation testing tool from Mercury Interactive now acquired by HP. It is now called as HP Functional Test
QuickTest Professional is the solution for functional test and regression test automation.
QTP is easier to use and implement for both technical & non technical testers in comparison to other functional testing tools available.

QTP's Scripting Language is VB Script which is easy to use , understand and program.

Quick Test Professional is the most widely used tool for the purpose of Test automation and has emerged as the test automation tool of choice for the software industry.


  • It is easy even for a non-programmer to understand QTP and start adding test cases.
  • Support for record and playback and ability to edit scripts after recording. Also different recording modes are provided in QTP viz. Normal, Analog & Low level.
  • Excellent Object Identification process / mechanism
  • Ability to let you enhance the existing tests even without the AUT (Application under test) through active screen.
  • Supports all popular Automation frameworks - Keyword driven testing approach, Data driven testing approach, Modular testing approach, Hybrid frameworks etc.
  • QTP comes with an inbuilt IDE, which is simple and easy to use.
  • QTP can be integrated with Test management tools like QC (Quality Center), Test director and also functional test tools like Winrunner. The test cases can be mapped to the automation scripts and be executed from QC (Quality Center) itself. Also, it can kick off Winrunner test execution from within.
  • Easy to maintain different types of suites viz. Smoke, Sanity, Regression etc.
  • It comes with loads of inbuilt properties and methods in QTP as well as inbuilt functions in VBScripts
  • Use of Datatables/Excel files are easier and provides a variety of methods to play around with rows and columns.
  • Easy to maintain test iterations and data driving the tests through configurations.
  • Test reporting with all necessary details for analysis is provided.
  • Microsoft Object model can be implanted in QTP easily (Example – Word document object, Excel Object, Outlook Object, ADO objects, File system objects, DOM etc)