Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Java Essentials for a good Selenium Automation Tester

To become good selenium automation tester, you must be proficient with some concepts of java.
If you’re then you can write excellent code with selenium and java.

Below I have listed those java concepts which selenium tester must be proficient.

OOP’s concept - Class, Objects Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation.

Java Programming essentials - Object Instances, method overloading/overriding concepts and packages.

Looping statements – This will help us in scenarios like, iterating through a large table to find a record that you want and Running the same test for multiple numbers of times.

Control Statements – While, do-While, Switch, if statements – This will help us in writing the scripts for a multiple scenario statements and decision making scenarios.

Arrays Concepts – This will help us in having some set of data of same type in a static way.

Java Collections Framework – ArrayLists.

File Streams – This will be helpful in externalization of data through CSV, Excel or Java Properties file.

Page Object Model (POM)

This is widely used concept in the world on selenium webdriver also known as POM.
With the use of POM, we can increase readability of code also it is easy to maintain and user can reuse it.

        Basically POM is design pattern to create object repository (OR).
        In POM, we are maintaining different pages for different web pages. This page class
        Elements along with page methods which perform operation on web element.

The main advantage of Page Object Model is that if the UI changes for any page, it don’t require us to change any tests, we just need to change only the code within the page objects.

Below I have given example of POM

      //Class for page objects (elements) 

 public PageName(WebDriver driver)  
     this.driver = driver;  
    //This initElements method will create all WebElements  
    //PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);  
     PageFactory.initElements(new AjaxElementLocatorFactory(driver,     
     Constants.WebDriverWaitDuration), this);  
  * All WebElements are identified by @FindBy annotation  
  * @FindBy can accept tagName, partialLinkText, name, linkText, id, css, className, xpath as      
  * attributes.  
 Say we have text box  
 public WebElement NameForElement;  
 //Method to enter input  
 public void EnterInput(String text)  
 //If Element is button  
 public void ClickOnButton()  
 //If Element is drop-down  
 public void SelectValueFromDropDown(String visibletext)  
      new Select(NameForElement).selectByVisibleText(visibletext);  

Lets consider two different cases of writing code as below, in case 1  there no use of POM concept and in case 2 I have used POM

       Case 1 
 Without POM 


Case 2 
With POM 
Say we are working with login and elements resides in loginpage 
Code will look like below –  

 loginpage. EnterUserName(“testuser”);  
 loginpage. EnterPassword(“testuser”);  
 loginpage. ClickOnLoginButton();  

So suppose I have used login code in 10 classes as per case 1, and if there is change in locator value. In that case I have to make changes in all 10 classes but if code is written as per case 2, I have to make changes at one place only where all elements are resides.

Below I have tried to list out some benefits of POM

  1. Code is more readable and robust.
  2. Avoid duplication of code.
  3. Improves the maintainability of tests (Useful in Agile methodology based projects).
  4. Simple and clear tests.
  5. Good support of tests, because everything is stored in one place.
  6. The UI changes, the fix need only be applied in one place.
  7. Code re-use: Able to use the same page object in a variety of tests cases.


Mouse Hover functionality with selenium

Handling Mouse hover is one of the complex events for Selenium Users

We can not handle Mouse Hover directly by any command; we have to use some javascript to help us in mouse hover.

In this post I have created a method which will help selenium users to handle mouse hover event.

You can easily call that method into your script logic.

 public void MouseHover(String locatorvalue ) throws InterruptedException  
      Actions action = new Actions(driver);  
      WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id(locatorvalue));  
      String javaScript = "var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');" +  
      "evObj.initMouseEvent(\"mouseover\",true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false,        
  false, false, 0, null);" +  
      WebElement element1 = driver.findElement(By.id(locatorvalue));  
      ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(javaScript, element1);  

You can call this method as  
 MouseHover(locator value );  

File download with Selenium WebDriver

Most of the selenium user is facing problem while handling file download scenario.
In file downloading we have to deal with windows pop-up also we need to verify whether file is downloaded or not.

To deal with this scenario with have to work with firefox profile.
Below you can check the code, here you can verify file by its name or if name is randomly generated then you can verify file by its extension.

 public void Setup() throws Exception  
 driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffprofile());       
 File directory = new File(FIleDownloadPath);  
 delete(directory); //create a function delete with code to delete directory and its files  

//Method where user will download a file and then verify

 public void DownloadAndVerify()   
 //Go to the place where link / button is placed for download  
 // Click on it to download file  
 Assert.assertTrue(VerifyFileDownloadWithName (FIleDownloadPath, "Name of file with extension"), "Failed to download Expected document");  
 //if file name is random then you can verify by extension  
 Assert.assertTrue(VerifyFileDownloadWithExtension (FIleDownloadPath, ".extension of file"), "Failed to download document which has extension ".extension of file ");  


//To set download functionality, with this download pop-up will not appeared
 public static FirefoxProfile ffprofile() throws Exception  
       FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile();  
      firefoxProfile.setPreference "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk",  
      "text/csv,application/x-msexcel,application/excel,application/x-excel," +  
      "application/vnd.ms-excel,image/png,image/jpeg,text/html,text/plain,application/" +  
       return firefoxProfile;  

//Verify file downloaded by its Name
 public boolean VerifyFileDownloadWithName (String FIleDownloadPath, String fileName)   
      boolean flag = false;  
      File dir = new File(FIleDownloadPath);  
      File[] dir_contents = dir.listFiles();  
      for (int i = 0; i < dir_contents.length; i++)   
           if (dir_contents[i].getName().equals(fileName))  
                 return flag=true;  
      return flag;  

//Verify file downloaded by its Extension
 private boolean VerifyFileDownloadWithExtension(String FIleDownloadPath, String ext)  
  boolean flag=false;  
  File dir = new File(FIleDownloadPath);  
  File[] files = dir.listFiles();  
  if (files == null || files.length == 0)   
      flag = false;  
  for (int i = 1; i < files.length; i++)   
   }   return flag;   

With this code, hope you are set to handle Download Functionality.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

File upload – Selenium WebDriver

There are different ways to upload file, below you can see code for same.

File upload using sendKeys

If   input type="file"  is used the you can upload file using  sendKeys
Suppose “FileUpload.txt” is file you want to upload, and say file is under your project only

 File file = new File("FileUpload.txt ");  
 WebElement upload = driver.findElement(By.locator(LocatorValue));  

File upload using Robot

You can upload file using robot framework as below

 File file = new File("FileUpload.txt");  
 WebElement upload = driver.findElement(By.locator(LocatorValue));  
 StringSelection filepath = new StringSelection(file.getAbsolutePath());  
 Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(filepath, null);  
 //imitate mouse events like ENTER, CTRL+C, CTRL+V  
 Robot robot = new Robot();  

You can also upload file using AutoIT tool


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Handling multiple windows with Selenium WebDriver

With the help of below code you can easily handle different windows and can perform different operations


       // Store current window handle  
      String winHandleBefore = driver.getWindowHandle();  
      //Click on element which opens new window  
      // Switch to new window opened  
      for (String winHandle : driver.getWindowHandles())  
     // perform operation that opens new window  
     // Close the new window  
    // Switch back to original window  


Selenium WebDriver and Javascripts alerts/ pop-ups

Generally JavaScript pop-ups are generated by web application and hence they can be easily controlled by the browser.         
Built into Selenium is the ability to switch to an alert window and either accept or dismiss it.
Below are the ways to accept / dismiss alert

// Here you can accept the alert and can get text of alert

    public String AcceptAlertAndGetText()  
              //Switch to alert  
              Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();  
               //Get text of the alert  
               String AlertText = alert.getText();  
               //Accept the alert  
          return AlertText;  

//Here you can dismiss the alert and can get text of alert

 public String DismisAlertAndGetText()  
           //Switch to alert  
           Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();  
          //Get text of the alert  
           String AlertText = alert.getText();  
         //Dismiss the alert  
      return AlertText;  

CSS Selectors for Selenium with example

This post is all about CSS selectors for selenium. CSS is faster and simpler than Xpath particularly in case of IE browser where Xpath works very slowly.

We can detect element in different ways as below


# Element by ID
Event is ID

# Element by Name
Query is name
css=input[name= Query]

# Element by Class
Example is class
css=.Example a

# Element by href

# Locating Child or subchild
Here a is child of div
css= div a

# Next sibling by + sign
Say Registration is ID and small is next sibling
#Registration + small

#Element name start with go

#Element name end with go

#Matching by inner text
Search is inner text

 #Choosing specific element

  • Automation Tools
  • QTP
  • Selenium
If we want to select the second li element (Selenium) in this list, we can use the nth-of-type, which will find the fourth li in the list.

css=ul#recordlist li:nth-of-type(2)